Southeast Georgia Chrysalis Journey

Upcoming Flight Information

Setup weekend is complete! There's just a few loose ends to tie up...

We know the time is coming soon for our Chrysalis Journey flights. If you have not had a chance to make table or pillow agape, we have made these wishlists so that you can purchase agape items for the SEGA Chrysalis participants for the 2024 flight.

*All items will be shipped directly to the Chrysalis/Journey Agape Head, Raeleigh Swindell Conner. If you have any questions, please reach out to her. Contact info is on the SEGA Chrysalis/Journey website.*


The prayer vigils are filling up quickly, but there are a few of those "prime" slots left. Click the link below to sign up to help support the flights with your prayer!



Registration starts at 5pm. Send-off starts at 5:30. We will serve the participants dinner at 6pm to begin the weekend.

Girls Chrysalis: June 13-16, 2024 Tattnall Campground

Lay Leader: Becca Heath

 - Registration begins at 5pm. Send-Off starts at 5:30pm.

 - Closing on Sunday is at 4:15pm

Boys Chrysalis: June 20-23, 2024 Tattnall Campground

Lay Leader: Thad Harvey

​- Registration begins at 5pm. Send-Off starts at 5:30pm.
- Closing on Sunday is at 4:15pm

Chrysalis is coming soon!

Do you know any High School Youth who would love to have a powerful encounter with Jesus Christ?

Girls Chrysalis #87 June 13-16

Contact Becca Heath for more info

Boys Chrysalis #88 June 20-23

Contact Thad Harvey for more info

Chrysalis is the youth version of the Walk to Emmaus, geared towards High School Youth, ages 14-18 OR rising Freshmen to just graduated Seniors. Chrysalis is held at Tattnall campground. Go to

We still have a few spots left to fill for the team, so sign up quick!

Follow the above link for pilgrim or servant applications as well as the prayer vigil.

2024 Prayer Vigils

Here are the links to the Prayer Vigils for the February Journey weekends and June Chysalis weekends. Please go ahead and sign up to cover these weekends in prayer.

Upcoming Journey Information

Teams are being assembled. You're not going to want to miss this one!
Willing Servant Application Link is posted below!

Upcoming Chrysalis Weekend Information

Lots to get out in this WAY overdue update, so let's get to it!

SEGA Journey 2023

We need Journey participants. You know people. Let's get together on this!

How about we make it easy. Here's a link to the online pilgrim application. Fill it out with someone you'd like to sponsor and make a difference in their life!

What's New?

Take a look at the calendar page. We've added easy to find dates for all the upcoming walks and flights.

Coastal Women's Walk #127

The Coastal Georgia Walk to Emmaus community invites the Dayspring, Golden Isles, and SEGA Chrysalis/Journey Communities to come out to support this weekend’s Women’s Walk - CGWTE 127

Send off: Thursday at 7 pm
Candlelight: Saturday at 8 pm
Closing: Sunday at 4 pm

WW Mann Center
2171 Prather Rd
Brooklet, GA

SEGA Journey 2023

Willing servants and participants needed.

SEGA Chrysalis Journey community, please begin prayerfully considering serving on our next Men's and Women's Journeys in February. Click here to fill out an online application.

Also, reach out to us if you have any suggestions for participants.

Chrysalis 83 & 84

Listen, I know it's not about the individuals that choose to serve over the weekends. I know you didn't sign up on the prayer vigil so someone would see your name there. I know it's not an awards show. You did what you did on these weekends to show God's love to others.

Thank you for being a willing vessel for the light of Christ to shine through.

Prayer Vigil Sign-Up

The Summer Flights are coming up, and we need YOU! Use the links or QR codes below to sign up for slots on the Boys' and Girls' Prayer Vigils.

Stay tuned for detailed schedule information and other opportunities to support the community.

May Gathering

Join us for the Dayspring's May Gathering at Guyton UMC at 6:00.

401 Church St.
Guyton, GA 31312

Website Updates - 5/9/22

Gathering - Updated 4/22

** UPDATE **

The Gathering will be held at Brooklet UMC in the Traditional Sanctuary. If you go to the John Wesley Center, just cross the street to find the action.

The correct address is 201 Parker Ave. Brooklet, GA 30415.


Did you know that we serve along side three Emmaus communities?

Did you know that when one of those communities is having a gathering, that means we're having a gathering?

Did you know that the Dayspring Walk to Emmaus community is having a gathering this Saturday, April 23rd at the John Wesley Center at Brooklet United Methodist Church?

Now you know!

Bring a dish. Eat some great food. Enjoy a time of worship. Hear a wonderful message. Re-connect with old friends and make some new ones!

See you there!

Location information is available HERE.
The BUMC John Wesley Center is across the street from the main sanctuary.

111 W. Lane St. Brooklet, GA 30415

Welcome to the new Southeast Georgia Chrysalis Journey Website.

The site is currently under construction. Please be patient as we gather what we need to make this a well-crafted experience.

In the meantime, head over to the Facebook page and introduce yourself.

De Colores,

Joey Mitchell
Dayspring Walk to Emmaus #104
Table of Peter